A Tribute to Tom Petty (3:00 PM)
Saturday, May 03, 2025
03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Newtown Theatre
120 North State Street, Newtown, PA, USA
The historic Newtown Theatre will present A Tribute to Tom Petty featuring Damn the Torpedoes on Saturday, May 3.
Founded in 2007, Damn the Torpedoes offers a complete Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers concert experience. The band performs note-for-note renditions of Petty’s studio recordings and engages the audience with actual live versions of Heartbreakers’ performances.
Online tickets are $37 per person or $32 for theatre members. Any remaining tickets will be sold for $47 at the door on the day of the show (if available). All seating is general admission.
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